Saturday, 9 August 2014

Filming (Day 2)

As we began our second day of filming we made a portion of fake blood using a recipe researched through the internet. The substance consists of honey, red food colouring and coffee to darken it. Our first attempt was not particularly successful as the coffee we used seemed to give the blood a lumpy unrealistic consistency and therefore during our second attempt we changed the coffee to soy sauce which allowed us to get the desired shade of red and the correct consistency.
            To protect the surfaces around our set we laid down some clear perspex like material which prevented the staining of other things. It came with a slight disadvantage however as it reflected light back at the camera a small amount which does disrupt the verisimilitude for the audience. Overall however the second day of filming was a success and we planned to have another set of filming without myself but as our other group member Harley was back he would be able to contribute to the production.
Below is a link to a video which we recorded on the day which involves a quick visual update on our progress.
Filming Day 1

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