Monday, 26 January 2015

Sound foleying with Will

Today, to replace the stock sound effects we downloaded from the internet,  we recorded some sound effects using Marantz Dictaphone. Before we went out to record we constructed a list of sounds we needed to record.
  • Penguin Patting- For this sound we tried walking on various surfaces but we decided on some concrete on the school site
  • Stamp sound- we used an actual stamp for this but when we used it the first time we realised that the surface you stamp on affects the sound. We used a wood to give the sound a nice realistic sound.
  • Typewriter sound - As of yet we haven't recorded a sound for this. We are undecided over the fact that we could use the e we have currently. The only downside to it is that as we didn't make it we would need to credit the source or look into the copy right issues around the website we downloaded it from
  • Laugh - As we are experienced with sound editing software it was very easy to record this sound. Billy simply laughed into the microphone and in post we are going to change the pitch
  • Rustling - Even though we do have some digetic rustling in the film, an amplified version would be very useful if we feel the sound is too quiet with the music as well.
  • Scissor cutting - This was very simple in theory however it was a little hard to try and replicate the types of cut the subject uses in the film.
  • File cabinet - We recorded the sound of us opening and closing a filing cabinet at different speeds to make sure we could sync it up with the film.
  • Rustling of files - As well as the rustling we recorded earlier we needed a heavier sound for files being flipped through and exactly what we did.
  • Standing up from office chair - At first we used a plastic bench to replicate the sound of the action however it was far too squeaky and we used a office chair to finally get a good sounding sound.
  • Foot steps
  • Snapping of blue tack - after initially making the list we decided that this was out of place in conjunction with the soundtrack.
Below is a video of all the sounds we recorded in their raw state:

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